April’s Monthly Safety Focus (MSF) – Emergency Codes

April’s Monthly Safety Focus (MSF) – Emergency Codes

Emergency codes are an important part of Rogers Arena’s Emergency Response Plan.  Managers and Supervisors will be covering specific emergency codes during upcoming events. Please review the emergency codes and reach out to you Manager or Supervisor if you have any specific questions regarding these emergency codes.Emergency Codes Safety Focus-page-001

  • Sheryl Williamson
    Posted at 05:41h, 03 April Reply

    Where are these Emergency Code policies available for us to read and share with our teams?

    • jdallavalle
      Posted at 21:03h, 12 April Reply

      I have uploaded “Code Blue” & “Code Pink”

  • Liz Gilbert
    Posted at 23:02h, 10 April Reply

    We should have a code for a large disruptive crowd in an area (ie riot). This would alert extra staff to come, what to expect etc.

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