Vote Captain Quinn Hughes into the All Star 2024 Skills Competition

Vote Captain Quinn Hughes into the All Star 2024 Skills Competition

Help vote our Captain into the 2024 All Stars Skills Competition in Toronto by casting your ballot here: 2024 NHL® All-Star Fan Vote

The NHL has reimagined the skills competition to showcase the best of the best, build drama throughout the night and crown an individual overall champion for the first time.

Twelve All-Stars each will compete in multiple events in the 2024 NHL All-Star Skills where they will earn points based on the order of finish in each event.

Events Include:

  • Fastest Skater
  • Hardest Shot
  • Stick Handling
  • One Timers
  • Passing
  • Accuracy

The top six will advance to the final event: the Pepsi NHL Obstacle Course. The event will include all the skills, and it will be worth double the points. First place will be worth 10 points, second place eight points and so on.

The winner will receive $1 million.

The NHL has selected 10 of the most electric players in the League to compete in the 2024 NHL All-Star Skills, now fans will get to pick two more.

To cast your vote, fill out the ballot here: 2024 NHL® All-Star Fan Vote

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