With opportunity comes responsibility. Canucks Sports & Entertainment is a great place to work and we are fully committed to providing you with a work experience unique unto itself. Given the nature of our business there are a number of polices that you need to be aware of. Our expectation is that you will observe and honour these policies – failure to do so may result in disciplinary action or even termination of your employment with us. They are that important.


Canucks Sports and Entertainment values the exceptional service that employees provide to our fans and knows that every employee will behave in a highly professional and respectful manner. To assist employees in maintaining this high level of professionalism, the following basics demonstrate what is expected:

  • Be on time and prepared for your shift. Attend briefings, in uniform and wearing your name tag (where applicable).
  • Proactively assist fans with requests, concerns and questions. Act in an ethical and courteous manner at all times and treat colleagues, fans and partners with the utmost respect and professionalism.
  • Carry your CSE identification card at all times when working an event and use to check-in/out on the ABI time-card terminal. You must swipe out at the end of your shift before going to the change room. Use your CSE identification to obtain employee discounts. While scheduled to work, you are eligible to receive a 50% discount on the purchase of food at the Quick Service stands. This discount does not apply to stands located in the Club Section (Section 104 to 108) during hockey. Receive 15% discount at the SportsBar and 30% discount at Team Store.
  • Take breaks in break rooms or back of house office/work areas, and not in public areas. Eat and drink only when on a break, and not in view of the public.
  • Cell phones should not be used while working on shift.
  • Enter Rogers Arena no earlier than 30 minutes prior to a scheduled shift. Enter restricted areas only when deployed there by your Supervisor. Allow only ticketed persons into the arena.
  • When not scheduled to work, enter only with an event or game ticket or valid business reason. Watch live events as a ticketed fan only.
  • Remain in your deployed position unless you have received prior approval from your Supervisor to switch with another employee. Obtain your Supervisor’s consent should you need to leave the site while on duty.
  • Obtain prior approval from the company if you wish to solicit for any another organization.

While on duty, in view of fans, or in the capacity as an employee of CSE, it is important that employees do not:

  • Speak to the media.
  • Fraternize or socialize with players or performers. Solicit autographs from athletes or performers or celebrity guests, including on behalf of a fan.
  • Take any promo items or participate in any promotional activities intended for fans.
  • Eat or chew gum or smoke only when on a break, and not in view of the public. The designated staff smoking area is located across the street from Gate 9.
  • Sit down at your deployed position only when authorized to do so by your Supervisor.
  • Possess, drink or be impaired by any alcoholic beverage or drug, legal or illegal, while on duty.
  • Use head phones or other personal listening devices while on duty.
  • Leave your deployment to watch any part of an event/game, even when on break.

These requirements form part of, but are not limited to the Terms and Conditions of your employment and you are required to comply with each one. Please be aware that failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.


Given the public nature of our business, it is vitally important that you keep your experiences at work STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. You are not to discuss details of the company’s business with family or friends, or at social or public functions, nor are you to share information or opinions with the media or public. In addition, you are not to post via email or on any social network (e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc.) opinions, information related to company business. Please see Social Media Guidelines. You should direct all inquiries to the Vice President, Communications & Community Partnerships or anyone in the Media Relations & Operations team.


Canucks Sports & Entertainment believes that all employees have the right to work in an environment which is free from any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated; it undermines the dignity, self-esteem and productivity of any employee. Discriminatory harassment is defined as any conduct, comment, gesture or contact based upon any of the prohibited grounds of discrimination under the B.C. Human Rights Code that causes offense to or the intimidation or humiliation of another; or that might reasonably be perceived by another as placing a condition on his or her employment or opportunity for promotion.


(a) includes any inappropriate conduct or comment by a person towards a worker that the person knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that worker to be humiliated or intimidated, but (b) excludes any reasonable action taken by an employer or supervisor relating to the management and direction of workers or the place of employment. Bullying and harassment can occur during or after working hours, on or off the company property. Bullying and harassment can occur during business travel, work-related social gatherings or any other locations where the prohibited behaviour may have a subsequent impact on the work relationship, environment, or performance of any employee. An employee who feels offended, intimidated, bullied or humiliated by another’s actions has the option as a first step to approach the person or persons responsible and request them to stop. Alternatively he or she may submit a formal complaint to a supervisor, a union representative, or the Senior Director, Human Resources or designate. The complaint should be in writing, dated and signed by the employee, and should contain a detailed description of the conduct in order for the action to be taken. All complaints will be thoroughly and promptly investigated by the Senior Director, Human Resources or designate. Any employee who, as a result of a full investigation, is found to have harassed another employee may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. If it is revealed that a complaint was malicious, trivial, frivolous or vexatious in nature, the complainant may also be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


There are situations where involvement with other work, business, or individuals may lead to a conflict of interest with the company. You are to advise your Manager if there is possibility that a conflict of interest may exist, whether real, potential or perceived.


When attending an event as a guest, you must possess an event ticket and have it scanned at one of the entrance gates to ensure you are included in the event ticket count.  When working at an event, a ticket is not required, but you must carry your company employee ID card for identification purposes. You must never allow un-ticketed guests into the arena.  You are eligible to receive a 50% discount on food and drinks at Rogers Arena concession stands located outside the Club Section (section 104 to 108), but only when you are working during an event.  This discount is for personal use only and is not valid if you are attending an event as a guest.


Giveaway items are intended for our fans only. Team members are not permitted to take any items pre, during or post event that are intended for fans.


Any area that is not directly related to your work assignment should be considered a “restricted area”. You should not enter restricted areas unless assigned or directed by a Supervisor, particularly the Player/Artist dressing or locker rooms, backstage and back of house areas, spouses or players lounge and floor entrances. Team members who are attending an event as a fan are restricted from entering any non–public area including back of house, break rooms and locker rooms.


Canucks Sports & Entertainment opposes excess alcohol consumption at company sponsored events or when in attendance at a game or concert and, in particular, strictly opposes the operation of a motor vehicle (or engaging in other dangerous activities) while impaired. Canucks Sports & Entertainment will, if necessary, provide alternate arrangements for a safe ride home from a staff social function. All invited employees may attend staff events, on the condition that they will accept responsibility for their own consumption, will moderate their intake of alcohol, and will co-operate to take steps to ensure their safety and that of others.


When participating on a social media site please remember:

  • Everything that is posted to a social media site is in the public domain
  • Applicable company policies such as Confidentiality, Media, Respectful Workplace, and Privacy and Personal Information apply in the online world.
  • Be aware of your privacy settings, and keep in mind that posts intended for friends and family can be passed on to others. Your friends may be CSE’s customers, partners, sponsors or even the media.
  • When disclosing yourself as an employee of Canucks Sports & Entertainment, present yourself in a professional manner. Remember customers, colleagues and other co-workers may gain access to content you post online.
  • Use sound judgment and common sense. Think before you post.
  • Demonstrate the company’s values (Teamwork, Passion, Respect, Excellence, Integrity).

Examples of posts that are welcome:

  • A charitable event you were involved in.
  • Positive “fan” encouragement directed toward our team (e.g. Go Canucks Go!, “What a great game last night!”)
  • A positive experience you have had as an employee of Canucks Sports & Entertainment (e.g. participation in a community event)


  • Share information regarding any aspect of our business
  • Post pictures, comments or opinions related to our business that are derogatory in nature or of a restricted nature


Canucks Sports & Entertainment restricts the collection, use and disclosure of personal information to that which is required for the establishment, management and termination of the employment relationship, or which is otherwise permitted or required by law. Canucks Sports & Entertainment may use employees’ images as required, unless the employee requests otherwise.