Scheduling Guidelines


In this Section you will find Scheduling & Absence Guidelines and Scheduling FAQs.

Union Scheduling

Scheduling Guidelines (Union) PDF
Absences (Union) PDF

Scheduling FAQ (Union)
Availability Requirements
All Union employees are required to meet the minimum availability requirements. Availability must be submitted between the 10th-17th of each month. Failure to submit availability or meet the minimum requirements will result if being defaulted as available for all shifts (Article 9.8).
ABI will notify you of the minimum number of events you must submit availability for. The requirements can also be found in “Appendix D” in the CBA.

How do I submit Availability?
Availability must be submitted through ABI between the 10th and the 17th. Please refer to the Scheduling Guidelines document above for more details. Please note you will not be able to submit availability once the period has ended.

How do I request a leave of absence?
For all leave of absences not related to vacation requests, please reach out to as soon as possible. Please include the reason for the request, including the start and anticipated return to work date. This may include medical leaves, maternity/paternity leave.

What does “On Hold” mean?
“On Hold” is when an employee makes themselves available for a shift but are not scheduled at the time the original schedule is run. Employees who have made themselves available but are not originally scheduled must remain available to work for up to 5 days before the event. If you are added to a shift during the period that you are on hold, we will try to provide you with as much notice as possible. Please refer to Article 9.0 of the Collective Agreement for more information.

If you have been removed from a shift, you may see yourself on hold. This is the system’s way of tracking you were once available, if you have been removed using an absence, you will not be added back to the schedule.

What is my seniority?
“Classification Seniority” means an Employee’s total length of continuous service from commencement of work in a primary position within a classification.
You can find a copy of the seniority list under “My PDF’s” in ABI

How many cancels/excused/unexcused absences do I have left?
Your Cancel, Excused and Unexcused absences are allotted each season (September 1st to August 31st). You can view your absences through ABI, in your Point Status report.
Each season you are allotted 5 Cancels, 5 Excused Absences and 2 Unexcused Absences.

Non-Union Scheduling

Scheduling Guidelines (Non-Union) PDF
Scheduling Guidelines (Non-Union Hospitality) PDF
Absences (Non-Union) PDF

Scheduling FAQ (Non-Union)
Hospitality vs Event Staff
Event/Arena Non Union Departments: Ticket Centre, Retail, Game Entertainment, Premium Client Experience, Parking, Street Team and Event Services.
Hospitality Non Union Departments: Quick Service Food Hawkers, Quick Service Supervisors, Culinary Supervisors (Premium & Quick Service), Vault Clerks, Suite Cashiers, Club Concierge, Premium Supervisors, VIP Attendants and Warehouse Supervisors

Availability Guidelines
All Union employees should follow availability guidelines. Availability must be submitted between the 5th-12th (Event/Arena Staff) or 10th-17th (Hospitality Staff) of each month.
ABI will notify you of the minimum number of events you must submit availability for.

How do I submit Availability?
Availability must be submitted through ABI. Please refer to the Scheduling Guidelines document above for more details. Please note you will not be able to submit availability once the period has ended.

How do I request a leave of absence?
For all leave of absences not related to vacation requests, please reach out to as soon as possible. Please include the reason for the request, including the start and anticipated return to work date. This may include medical leaves, maternity/paternity leave.